About CCBHThe CA Coalition for Behavioral Health (CCBH) works to improve access and assure parity in the delivery of behavioral health services in California. CCBH brings together family and consumer organizations, nonprofit service providers, professional associations, hospitals, state councils and other statewide organizations -- all who seek to improve behavioral wellness for all Californians.
CCBH coalesced around Proposition 63 in 2004, the landmark initiative that significantly bolstered funding of mental health programs through a one-percent tax on individual income over $1 million. One of our core commitments is to ensure adequate funding for behavioral health programs and care. Historically, mental health programs are among the first to be cut when California faces economic challenges. This trend leads to a chronically underfunded system; CCBH seeks to safeguard funding and to support budget decisions that strengthen the delivery of behavioral health services throughout California. Currently, our work is focused on three areas that are vitally important to behavioral health care: Housing, Parity and Workforce. We develop strategies within these categories, monitor state policy and legislation, and work toward consensus on policy advocacy. Agenda for Fairness |
CA Academy of Child Adolescent Psychiatry
CA Alliance of Child & Family Services CA Assoc. for Licensed Professional Clinical Counselors CA Association of Local BH Boards & Commissions CA Association of Marriage and Family Therapists CA Association of Mental Health Patients' Rights Advocates CA Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies CA Behavioral Health Planning Council CA Council of Community Behavioral Health Agencies CA Hospital Association CA Institute for Behavioral Health Solutions CA Primary Care Association CA Psychological Association Council on Criminal Justice & Behavioral Health County Behavioral Health Directors Association of CA Disability Rights California National Association of Social Workers, CA Chapter National Union of Healthcare Workers Occupational Therapy Assoc. of California, Inc. Psychiatric Physicians Alliance of California Racial and Ethnic Mental Health Disparities Coalition San Diego Coalition for Mental Health Officers
President (2022-24): Theresa Comstock, CA Association of Local BH Boards/Commissions Contact
Past President: Adrienne Shilton, CA Alliance of Child and Family Services Secretary (2022-24): Chad Costello, CA Association of Social Rehabilitation Agencies Treasurer (2023-2025): Erin McIntyre, Occupational Therapy Association of California, Inc. Link to New Member Application |
The California Coalition for Mental Health ( CCMH ) changed its name to the
California Coalition for Behavioral Health ( CCBH ) at its January 2024 Annual Meeting.
California Coalition for Behavioral Health ( CCBH ) at its January 2024 Annual Meeting.